OSR / NBMI / Emeramide
Quotes from the Interview (R1)
4. What are the qualities of OSR? Could you explain them, please?
SAFETY: OSR is made from coupling two natural compounds that are not toxic alone and used as antioxidants. Even the FDA agrees that OSR (as emeramide) is very safe for human ingestion. We have exposed test animals to osr at over 1,000 mg/kg body weight without inducing any toxic effects. We have used emeramide (OSR) in at least 5 human phase I and phase II studies without inducing any significant drug related adverse effects.
BIND TO TOXIC METALS VERY STRONGLY: OSR has been tested in the laboratory and has shown thermodynamically irreversible binding to almost all the common toxic metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, iron and copper, etc.).
Toxic metals are usually toxic because they are attracted to and bind to thiol groups (cystines) located in essential enzymes inhibiting them.
OSR has two very reactive thiols that attract these same toxic metals and due to the engineering of the OSR form two or more tight bonds with the toxic metal rendering it non-chemically reactive and non-toxic.
We have demonstrated that OSR eliminates the toxicity and availability of the electron shells of both mercury and iron cations eliminating their toxicity. Also, using c14-radioactive OSR we have shown that the compound orally ingested enters all cells and organelles in the body, including the central nervous system, from the blood plasma.
After entering the cells the OSR is slowly excreted from the body through the feces and urine to the point that it is not detectable within a reasonable time. Each organ has a different excretion rate of OSR even if the test animal is controlled or mercury toxic.
Detoxification pathway of OSR-Hg
Once OSR binds a cation with a +2 charge the complex is neutral and not readily excreted by the kidneys into the urine.
That is the OSR-Hg complex formed inside a cell has to be modified by the body’s p-450 detox system to attach a charged water soluble moiety to the uncharged OSR-Hg complex to make it water soluble and excretable.
In the phase I of the p-450 detox system a class of enzymes called CYP enzymes oxidize insoluble (hydrophobic) compounds setting them up for attachments in the p-450 phase II modification where to the oxidized site added by the CYP oxidation reacts with a phase II enzyme and the charged water soluble component is attached.
In the case of OSR-Hg this appears to be glutathione attached by the p-450 phase II enzyme GST (gluthione-s-transferase) producing glutathione-OSR-Hg complex that is soluble and excretable into the plasma and placed in the bile through the biliary transport system and then into the fecal material.
This is how Hg2+ is removed as the glutathione-Hg-glutathione complex as about 80-90% of mercury is excreted by healthy humans in the fecal material also.
Possible sulfite sensitivity
What did autistic families report to you after taking OSR?
Improvement: mainly improvements in intestinal issues. Better bowel control and loss of stomach pain. better eye contact and work development.
Side effects (Sulphur sensitivities): we had several that improved when molybdenum supplementation was given.
OSR did cause some minor rashes which were eliminated by stopping treatment. In most cases including Mo supplementation allowed the use of OSR to continue Nof these Mo required treatments were rare as we only had 3-4 such occurrences and none were properly studied to insure the effect was due to Mo supplementation.