DHA inhibits proteolysis
I have recently advanced my hypothesis of what causes tics development from “Nrf2 overactivation” into “Lysosomal dysfunction + Nrf2 overactivation”.
And just now found a plausible explanation why DHA (omega-3) can be so detrimental for some people with tics - turns out DHA inhibits degradation of proteins inside the cells.
Exactly the area which I suspect is related to tics development - when the cells are not able to clear themself from used proteins, and this eventually causes cellular stress (and oxidative stress).
Here is the paper that shows DHA activates autophagy, Akt, but inhibits proteasome apparently by transiently increasing oxidative stress.

Picture from the paper “Docosahexaenoic Acid, a Potential Treatment for Sarcopenia, Modulates the Ubiquitin–Proteasome and the Autophagy–Lysosome Systems” (R1)